Thursday, July 26, 2012

Ideas of Sacred Sex

In an online conversation today, it was mentioned by an aquaintance that he finds sacred sexuality too "serious," without room for exploring in a playful way.  He is a fairly kinky fellow, as am I, and I can see his point.  In all of my book study thus far, I am finding a lot less sex than I thought. Also, in my meeting with other sacred sexuality practitioners, I find they focus on energy work and massage. They rarely, if ever offer full service. It may be a legality thing, or a personal boundary and either way, it's up to them.

What we view as sacred is shaped by many things, including how we were raised, our culture and society. Sacred things are touched by God, and profane things are not.

I take a wider view of the sacred.  Sacred sex does not need to be serious, quiet or solemn.  It can be crass, silly, even perverted. The Sacred exists in all things, manifested or potentially; usually a combination of both.  I do not separate between sacred and profane, at least not in a conventional way.  The archetype of the Trickster has taught me there is sacredness in profanity, wisdom in folly, and foolishness is the serious.  Any true idea contains its opposite within.

I know that in my own work, I straddle a line between the sacred sex priestess and the unabashed whore. And I like that. Not everyone who comes to me wants a heavy "sacred" vibe, or deep conversation.  Sometimes they just need to be touched, to spend naked time with a lovely woman, or get their rocks off.  Sometimes they don't know why.  But its my job to read that desire and deliver it, and that's what I love and miss about this.

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