Disclaimer: I'm not Christian. Never was nor will be. I do believe there are truths in every religion, and I've made my life a study to find these truths. I write this as a way to question traditional methods & beliefs.
During my first year as an escort, I experienced a lot of healing. Sometimes it was as simple as just paying my bills, sometimes my overall mood was better. And sometimes I would have these moments of...revelation.
It was one of these moments that continues to stick with me, and I wasn't even working at the time. I was actually just washing dishes, reflecting on a few past sessions. How open I felt, and how loving. It truly felt like unconditional love for everyone. At that moment, I just wanted to express it, to anyone and everyone who came my way.
I don't always feel that way, but it comes more and more. In session, it flows most easily. The biggest challenge has really been to balance that, to hold on to that compassion even when someone has sparked up my temper!
Judgement is the opposite of Love. When we get caught up in how someone "should be" and how they measure up, we loose track of what is. What if their gift is not measurable? What if their gift is not valued by these high and mighty "standards," what then? We are blinded to who and what a person Is, and the magnificence waiting to awaken.
In that moment, there was no judgement...only understanding. Anyone could have walked into that door, and I would have found a unique, loving and lovable person. Of course, I have to balance this with compassionate boundaries. And I feel this ability to see into the love, to just be the love for my clients, is one of my greatest gifts to offer.
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